• Healthy Meals

    The BEST Protein Shake

    Hey guys!

    Today I wanted to share my favorite protein shake recipe with you!

    ½ Cup Water

    ½ Cup Milk

    12 Ice Cubes

    2 Tablespoons Almond Butter

    1 Scoop Protein Powder (our favorite is Muscle Pharm Cookies ‘N’ Cream)

    Combine the above ingredients in a blender! Blend on smoothie mode and it’s ready to go! This makes enough for one serving! Adding a half of a banana is also an option. I cannot have bananas because I am allergic to them!

    I made a quick video below of me making this recipe! I doubled it so that I would have enough for my husband and I!

    Protein shakes are a very good way to get in your protein quickly after a workout! You should be getting some protein in about 30-60 minutes after your workout for the best results. Again, I am not a nutritionist, so you should not be replacing a meal with this, it is just to help increase your intake of protein.

    I follow a Macro based diet, which means I try to eat 50% carbohydrates, 30% fats (healthy), and 20% protein. I will go into more detail in later posts about this. I have found that by getting my protein shake in. It helps me to keep my proteins up high enough.

    I hope you love it! Let me know what you think below in the comments!!

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  • Workouts

    Slider Workout

    Sliders are one of my favorite gym accessories that I own! I learned about them originally when I was working with my trainer. There are so many different workouts that you can do with them. I made a short workout to try the sliders out. My favorite pair I bought off of amazon for fairly cheap. They are my favorite because they slide easily. I have tried many different ones and I haven’t been impressed. I will link them below in case you want the same ones!S

    These are my favorite slider exercises for my legs and core. I do each of these for about 40 seconds and then rest for 20 seconds. For the seconds I am doing the exercise, I am doing as many as I possibly can. I do these exercises three times each.

    Mountain Climbers

    Start by beginning in a plank position with both feet on sliders. Make sure to be in a good plank position without your hips being too high. Bring one leg in toward your chest and then return it back to the start position. Now switch to your opposite leg and do the same thing. Repeat, changing legs quickly and concentrating on keeping your plank position proper.

    Hamstring curl or Bridge Slide

    I have heard this exercise called either of these names. You will start by lying on your back with a slider under each heel, toes lifted, hips lifted off the ground in a glute bridge. ​ Slide your heels forward to straighten your knees, making sure to never let your butt touch the floor. Then​ slide your heels toward your butt to bend your knees and return to the starting position. Repeat. You will feel this in your hamstring and glutes.

    Wide Mountain Climbers

    For this exercise, you will basically be repeating the mountain climber steps except you will be bringing your leg to the outside of your supporting arm for each side. You cannot go nearly as fast as the mountain climber exercise but you will feel it even more in your core.

    One Leg Bridge Slide

    This exercise is very similar to the regular bridge slide but you are doing each leg separately as the other leg supports your bridge. You will start this exercise by lying on your back, as you bend one leg and keep it in a bridge and the other moves to straighten. Repeat with the opposite leg and never let your butt touch the floor.


    This is my favorite slider exercise but it is also the most challenging in this set. You will begin in a plank with both feet on the sliders. Bring both feet in toward your hands at the same time with straight legs bringing your body into a pike position. Go as far as you can with straight legs, then slide your feet back to the starting position. If this is too hard or you cannot do this, you can start by doing a tuck. This is basically the same movement except you bring both knees to your chest instead of just keeping them straight.

    I really hope you enjoyed today’s workout. Please comment below if you did or click on the button on the bottom of the page to subscribe!

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  • Self Care

    Positive Affirmations

    Hi everyone!

    I thought I would do something a little different this week since Valentine’s Day is tomorrow! I want to focus on loving yourself. I am going to show you what I do in order to start doing this. I learned about positive affirmations a long time ago but they are essential.

    Positive affirmations are huge in helping to learn to love yourself! They are statements that can help you to overcome your negative thoughts. I won’t lie and tell you that these things are easy to say AND let alone believe at first. It is definitely a process but it is 100% worth it! Doing this daily has definitely changed my life. I can tell the days when I don’t say them. I say these phrases out loud to myself while I am driving to work each day.

    Some examples of affirmations that I use are:

    I am a great wife

    I am getting stronger each day

    I am beautiful

    I am successful

    I am confident

    Money comes easily to me

    I am a genius

    Opportunities present themselves to me

    While deciding what affirmations you should use, try to make them as specific as possible for you. Pinterest is a great place to find more ideas!

    More examples you can use:

    I am happy with my life

    I attract love

    I love my body

    I believe in me

    I am enough

    I never give up

    I can reach any goal

    I am successful in everything I do

    My body is healthy and strong

    I am a fantastic mother

    I have personally seen a change in my life from reciting these and I know that you can too. I do know they sound silly and maybe even dumb. I promise they really help in the process. Try them out and let me know what you guys think or tell me some that you guys like to use. I am always changing my list in regard to my current goals.

    Photographer: Melissa Benjamin

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  • Products I Love

    Fuel for your workout

    Pre-workout is a big part of my workout routine. It really helps me when I am dragging after work or having a hard time waking up in the morning. It’s always there to pump me up for my workout! I have tried quite a few over the years and even experienced some pretty scary side effects! Some of the things I have experienced include itchy face, jitters, and tingling. I have also had some in which I just feel exhausted after I am done with my workout.

     My absolute favorite pre-workout of all time is Warrior Fuel Hers! I have never had any unpleasant effects while using this supplement. They have a bunch of really yummy flavors such as pink burst, cotton candy, watermelon, and peach ring. I have tried all but the peach ring flavor because it is brand new. I can’t wait to try it! I also really like the fact that this supplement is made for women.

    Warrior Fuel states: “We use the highest level of pure ingredients that are backed by research and designed to help the body shed water and burn unwanted fat, with low levels of a slow releasing caffeine so you won’t have a nauseated feeling or crash once your pre-workout wears off. You won’t find a better tasting fat loss pre-workout as safe and effective as Warrior Fuel HERS.”

    If you would like to try it out you can follow the link below and use code HAYLEY10 for 10% off.


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