• Workouts

    Back Blast Workout

    Hey Everybody!!

    Today’s workout is all about engaging your back! This workout is strictly on a cable machine. You can still improvise with weights for a few of the movements, cables are ideal though. I like to do these around 1-2 times a week, as it fits in my workout regimen. I love this back workout as cables are my favorite.

    Do 4 sets of the following:

    10 Straight Arm Pull Down

    10 Face Pulls/ Rear Delt Pulls

    10 Cable Upright Rows

    8 Lat Pulldowns (Widegrip)

    10 Lat Pullovers

    I have included a video below so you can see what each of these looks like.

    If you loved today’s workout please subscribe below. I would really appreciate it!

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  • Self Care

    My Marathon Journey

    Last year (2018) while my mom and I were running in the Ogden Half Marathon, we joked about doing the full marathon the next year. It had always been on my bucket list but I always felt like it was way above my skill level. My mom loves to run but had also found the full marathon to be very intimidating. So as soon as we finished our half with our runner’s euphoria, we signed up for the full marathon for the following year.

    I had no idea what I was getting myself into. You see, with any race I had run before I could potentially not train and I would be completely fine after. For a marathon, that just isn’t the case. You have to prepare your body to be able to sustain itself for the time it will take you to complete the race in. This includes things like buying new shoes that are a size larger than normal so your toes don’t rub the ends and that will stabilize your foot if it is even slightly unstable, learning about nutrition so you can fuel your body with the extra energy it will need, a specialized training schedule so you aren’t pushing your body too hard which could create injury, and training your mind to get through the tough spots.  

    I remember telling my sister I had a trip planned to Europe eleven weeks before the race and I remember her telling me that I better be ready to run while I am gone in order to be ready for the race. I was shocked. How could I have to train for so long when I was already in such great shape? At least I thought I was at that point. I really trusted my sister’s judgement though because she had run the Ogden Marathon the four previous years. She was always prepared. Plus, she works in a running shop so she has to know what she is talking about.  

    In the nine weeks leading up to the marathon I ran 262 miles. When I first saw the training plan my sister set up for me, I was very intimidated. I didn’t think it was possible to make myself run those long runs on Sunday (between 10-18 miles). The longest I had ever run prior to my training was 13.1 miles for a half marathon. Knowing that I would be doing these training runs alone and finding my own routes was tough. I can say I never once cheated on my training plan. I gave it my all and it really did help me prepare for the full.

    The day of the race, we got to where it begins and it started snowing. I had worried about the rain but I couldn’t believe it was actually snowing. Thank goodness my mom was prepared and bought us ponchos. We didn’t have to stay there very long and it started to rain lightly. My mother and I had the goal of finishing in under five hours since it was our first marathon ever. We ran together the entire race. We crossed the first half mark at about 2:10 and we were ecstatic. We knew that we could finish the race in under five hours and maybe even under 4:30. We kept it up until we got to mile 22. My mom’s ankle was in such excruciating pain that she could no longer run on it. Every time she tried to start again her leg would give out. We decided we needed to walk for the rest of the race. She told me several times that I could go ahead and finish then come back for her. I decided that there was no way I was going to do that and that we were in this together. I don’t know if you’ve ever walked after running for more than twenty miles but I can tell you that your legs start to cramp up badly. We finished the last 4.2 miles hand in hand. Ashleigh (my sister) met us about 0.1 miles from the finish and crossed the finish line with us! Ashleigh finished in 3:20, almost two full hours before my mom and I! We all did it!  

    I have been asked several times now if I will ever run another marathon. Currently, my answer is no. I do not believe that marathons are for me. I do see why people love to run them and I loved the motivational vibes that many runners gave me, with that being said, I did not enjoy the process of getting where I needed to be physically to run that far. I personally would like to spend the three hours I was running every Sunday with my husband either snowboarding or weightlifting.  

    If you loved hearing about my marathon journey, please let me know in the comments below. If you want to know when I post next, subscribe below!

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  • Products I Love

    Foundation Solution

    Hey Everybody!

    Today I am going to talk about my favorite base layer makeup, Acti Labs 3D Corrector. I use it daily as foundation. It only costs $25 for 30 mL, which usually lasts around 3-6 months for me. I love it because it corrects your skin tone by correcting your dark spots and even prevents future dark spots from forming.

    I like to use the medium mixed with the medium-dark during the summer time and I can usually get away with using medium in the winter. I would suggest if you have darker than fair skin to order the medium-dark. This color has worked on almost everyone I have met. It does look fairly dark when you open the container but once you try it on your skin it adjusts to your skin tone.

    It is very moisturizing so you don’t have to use lotion before using this. It has some great ingredients in it to. One of these ingredients is sunflower oil, which is known to promote glowing, youthful skin. Another is collagen, which really helps to give your skin more structure.

    I absolutely love this product because it is so easy to use. It is great quality and it is a fantastic price. I use it every day that I wear makeup.

    Check it out below


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  • Workouts

    Stunning Summer Abs

    Hey everybody!

    Today’s workout is an awesome ab workout to get your body ready for the summer! These are some of my favorite abs to do. I like to do these around 3-4 times a week. If you do them too frequently you won’t give your body enough time to recover.

    Do 4 sets of the following:

    10 reverse crunches

    10 lying leg rises

    10 leg flutters

    10 cross crunches (each side)

    10 Russian twists

    10 heel touches (each side alternating)

    10 toe reaches

    If you loved today’s workout please subscribe below. I would really appreciate it!

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  • Products I Love

    Elbow Relief

    Hey Everybody!

    Today I am writing about something that I use daily at the gym for my elbow pain and that is the Venom Compression Elbow Sleeve! After about 18 months of working out so frequently, I started to experience the pain associated with golfer’s elbow. I wasn’t keeping my wrists perfectly straight while I was lifting heavier and heavier weights, which caused this excruciating pain on the inside of my elbow. It got to the point where it was so bad that it would ache at night and even wake me up.

    I did some research and found that with the right amount of rest, stretching, and strengthening exercises, I would be able to get back to where I was. I did these things for about two weeks, which was crazy for me as I work out every day and it actually did start to feel better.

    After I went through this, I was pretty terrified to get back to lifting although I love to do it. I found an awesome company online called Venom Sports Fitness. They have a compression elbow sleeve in which I purchased to their claim that it helps with golfer’s elbow pain. I have used it ever since and I love the support it gives my elbow.

    The features of this sleeve are: the design retains heat and warms the elbow joint, increases blood flow and reduces muscle swelling, comfort to eliminate irritation and bunching, lightweight and full range of motion, and they guarantee the fit! I absolutely love this brace. I would never promote anything I don’t fully believe in. I have used this for months. I have linked their website below and if you have any problems with your elbows, I strongly recommend it. I do not get anything from promoting this, I just hope you get the relief that I have been given.

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