• Products I Love

    Rechargeable Fabric Shaver

    Hey Everyone!

    Today, I am sharing an awesome product with you, my Magictec rechargeable fabric shaver! This thing is awesome! I have had two other fabric shavers in the past and they don’t even compare. I know what you are thinking, “really, you love your fabric shaver?” Yes, I really do and this is why. 

    Has your favorite sweater ever gotten worn out and started to ball up? What about your favorite leggings, did they start to pill? Does your bra have little balls on the underwire? This will save your life. 

    I have used this on tons of different items and it brings my items back to life! It makes them look brand new. I have used it on socks, sweaters, leggings, shoes, bras, shirts, etc. The possibilities are endless. I love being able to recycle old things and make them good as new. 

    I love that it’s rechargeable. I’ve had a shaver in the past that I was constantly changing the batteries in it. What a waste. Not only that, but when it would start to get lower on battery life it would work at a slower rate making it take longer. The Magitec fabric shaver can be charged with a micro USB cable so you can charge it anywhere! I don’t notice the blades slowing even when it is getting low on battery. 

    The size makes it very convenient, you can even travel with it. The cover on the front is very thin so you can get really close to the fabric. They claim the blades will last for up to ten years! I also love the fact that if anything is slightly out of place it will turn off for safety, that way you won’t hurt yourself. 

    Well enough claims, see the results for yourself!

    Thanks so much for reading today. I hope you love this post. I really think that this product can help to revive your closet and minimize waste, plus you don’t have to get rid of your favorite outfits anymore. Let me know what you think in the comments below. 

  • Healthy Meals

    Easy Egg Muffins

    Hi Everyone! 

    Today, I am sharing a new recipe with you that I have been loving. It is super easy and helpful for busy mornings. Shane and I love to go snowboarding on the weekends, so we are always in a rush to get out the door. However, we want to make sure that we won’t be hungry for several hours as food at the resorts is way too overpriced. For example, a slice of pizza at the lodge is currently $12, for ONE slice. You can make this recipe once a week and have breakfast for the whole week. 


    8 Eggs

    Bacon Bits








    1. Preheat your oven to 400 degrees fahrenheit. 
    2. Crack 4 eggs into a 2-cup measuring cup along with a dash of salt and pepper and whisk together. (Enough for 6 muffins)
    3. Stir in desired ingredients from above. (My favorites are bacon, onion, mushrooms and sharp cheddar cheese) (Shane likes bacon, mushrooms, mexican blend cheese, and salsa).
    4. Fill 6 muffin tins about ⅔ of the way full, dividing equally.
    5. Repeat steps 2-4 one more time, changing ingredients if desired. 
    6. Bake for about 15-20 minutes. 

    We have been loving this breakfast recipe. Once your egg muffins are cooked you can save them in a tupperware in your fridge and continue to eat them for up to a week. I just pop two into the microwave and cook them for 35 seconds. They are perfect for if you are on the go. 

    I have learned that using a silicone muffin pan works the best with this recipe. That way you can just pop the muffins out when you are done with almost no mess. I have also learned that you need to set it on top of a baking sheet before you pour in your mixtures. It is almost impossible to move your silicone muffin pan otherwise. 

    This is the one that I ordered.

    I hope that you love this recipe as much as we do. Let me know in the comments below if you try it out. As always, thanks for reading and supporting my blog. I really appreciate all of the love.

  • Self Care

    Learn Something New

    Hi Everyone!

    Today, I am sharing with you one of my favorite self-care activities: learning something new. Learning new things can help propel you forward in many aspects of your life. According to LinkedIn, “Just like food nourishes our bodies, information and continued learning nourishes our minds.” 

    So why should we continue to learn new things?

    It will help us remain relevant. Have you ever gotten on Instagram and they have changed something up and you can’t figure out how to use it again? I know I have. Learning how to use that feature keeps you relevant for Instagram. I know that seems like a weird example but that can go for many aspects of our lives. We need to keep up with the changes to stay relevant. 

    It can boost our resume. Learning something new can make us more valuable. If I learned how to use a new computer program or language, I could become more valuable to the company I work for. It will also give me more confidence applying for and being interviewed for a new job. 

    How can we learn new things?

    There are multiple ways to learn new things each day. They don’t have to be extreme like learning a new language, it could be as simple as learning what a word you don’t know means. Next time you are reading something and don’t know what a word means, look it up. When you don’t know about a topic that comes up in conversation, google it or ask questions until you understand it better. 

    Read everyday. You can read motivational books, fiction books, educational books, etc. You will learn regardless of what it is you are reading. 

    Listen to podcasts. There are so many beneficial podcasts out there. I listen to about five different podcasts each week and I learn something new every podcast I listen to. 

    Take an online course. Find something that interests you and take an online course about it. This is actually how I learned to create my blog. I took a course on it. I would have never been able to figure out all the ins and outs without taking the course. 

    I know this pandemic has created challenges for all of us to overcome. I have decided to use my extra time I have on learning new things to improve myself. I hope that I can help to inspire you to do the same. Please let me know what you think of this post in the comments below. If you love my posts, please subscribe so that I can continue to do them. I would like to leave you with a quote by Albert Einstein, “Intellectual growth should commence at birth and only cease at death.”

  • Workouts

    Booty Challenge

    Hi Everybody!!

    Today, I am sharing my 2021 30 day booty challenge with you. I know that a lot of people’s new year’s resolutions are to be more active for the year. So, why don’t we make it fun! I will be starting this challenge today. I would love it if you decide to do it with me. Please share it on your Instagram stories and tag @activebeautyblog! If you post about it please use hashtag #2021BootyChallenge. 

    All of the exercises in the booty challenge can be done at home or at the gym! You can do them with your bodyweight or you can add weight as needed. 

    To get the booty challenge, just fill out the box below and the PDF will be sent to your email to print out. 

    If you have any questions about the exercises listed in the challenge please search them in the search box above. I have posted videos of each of these movements in the past. 

    I am so excited to do this with you guys!! Please let me know what you think in the comments below! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the challenge.