• Self Care

    Adequate Sleep

    Hey Everyone!

    Today, I am talking about the importance of getting an adequate amount of sleep each night. So let’s start with what the recommended amount of sleep for the average adult is. It is 7-8 hours per night from ages 18-65 years old. Sleep can affect many different aspects of your life. It can affect your concentration, your mental health, your physical health, and even your relationships. 

    If you do not get enough sleep, it can really have a negative impact on your brain function. It can lead you to making mistakes you would not otherwise make. According to the NHI, after several nights of losing sleep (even just 1-2 hours) your ability to function can suffer as much as not sleeping for 1-2 DAYS! When people experience sleep deficiency they can make minor to severe mistakes. Some examples of things that have happened due to lack of sleep are: aviation accidents, car accidents, and even a nuclear reactor meltdown.

    Did you know that not getting enough sleep can lead you to see more severe symptoms of anxiety and depression? Getting enough sleep is proven to help with your mental health. Not only that but sleep deprivation can even lead to developing these conditions! According to the Gateway to Mental Health Services, sleep deprivation sets the stage for depression, negative thinking, emotional vulnerability, and anxiety. 

    Lack of sleep can lead to multiple health issues as well. The amount of things that sleep affects in your body really surprised me at first! According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, an ongoing sleep deficiency is linked to an increased risk of heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and even stroke! A sleep deficiency can also cause obesity! A decreased amount of sleep can also wear on your immune system. I saw this a lot when I was in college, when I was sleep deprived, I almost always got sick. Unfortunately, I was working graves and trying to attend college during the day, so I was sick a ton!

    How to improve your sleep? There are many things that you can do to improve your quality of sleep at night. Routines are great. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day. Try not to vary by more than an hour, even on the weekends. Avoid caffeine and nicotine for eight hours before going to bed. They are stimulants and can keep you up. Be physically active, it has been proven that physical activity can improve your sleep tremendously. If we can choose to fix this simple thing in our life, we can avoid so many issues in our future!

    Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog today! It really means a lot to me. If you loved it please subscribe below for weekly notifications of new posts and exclusive information.

  • Workouts

    Amazing Ankle Weight Workout

    Hey Everybody!

    I thought that because not all gyms are open yet, I could share a workout you can still do anywhere! It’s a workout to strengthen and tone your legs and booty with ankle weights. You can even do it without ankle weights if you don’t have them. You can just put on the heaviest shoes that you own and it should have the same effect! 

    I do three sets of the following for each leg:

    Leg Lifts 10 Reps 

    Rainbows 10 Reps 

    Hamstring Curls 10 Reps

    Kickbacks 10 Reps 

    Donkey kicks 10 Reps 

    Lateral Leg Raise 10 Reps

    Here is a video of me doing these exercises so that you can see what they are if you are unfamiliar with them! I have sped up this video quite a bit so when you do it keep your movements slow and controlled. You will see results faster if you do this.

    I hope that you enjoyed today’s workout! Thank you so much for checking it out. Please let me know what you think in the comments below! Subscribe if you loved it!

  • Products I Love,  Uncategorized

    The Importance of Foam Rolling

    Hi Everyone!

    Today I am going to talk about the importance of foam rolling. I really like the benefits that I get from doing it and I hope to pass that along to you. So, what is foam rolling? According to healthline.com, foam rolling is a type of self-massage that allows you to alleviate tightness or trigger points by using a piece of equipment known as a foam roller. Who should foam roll? Literally anyone that experiences muscle pain can do it. This could be from a workout, sporting activities, sitting at a desk all day, poor posture, etc. I can fall into multiple categories and I’m sure you can too. You can do this before or after your workouts, or both if you are feeling really motivated.

    What are the benefits?

    Foam rolling can decrease late onset muscle soreness, increase range of motion, and aid in recovery. It increases blood flow to the areas in which you roll so that increases the amount of oxygen your tissues are getting. In turn, it aids in quicker recovery. I have found that when I do roll, when I return for my next workout, I am less sore and able to get a better workout in. An eight-person study in the Journal of Athletic Training suggests that foam rolling after a workout can help reduce delayed-onset muscle soreness, and therefore boost your performance in later workouts.

    How do you use a foam roller? Healthline.com has some awesome gifs to show you great ways to use a foam roller on different muscles. I have included them here. Make sure that you are relaxing and not rushing through rolling. You need to relax your muscles in order to experience the largest benefit from rolling.




    Upper Back



    Where can you get one? I personally got my foam roller from Target. I have also seen them on Amazon, at Walmart, and at sporting goods stores. If you workout at a gym they may even supply you with one you can use there. I know here in Utah at VASA Fitness, they do. They come in many different sizes and types. You will have to decide which type you would like to get for yourself. I like a smooth foam roller but you can also get a textured roller for a deeper massage. If you are just starting out, I would definitely suggest getting a smooth roller first and moving up to the textured roller when you are ready and more experienced.

    I really feel the benefits of using my foam roller! I hope that you loved today’s post, let me know in the comments below. If you love my blog posts, please subscribe below. It would mean a lot to me.

  • Healthy Meals

    Sassy Salsa

    Hey Everybody!

    Today’s recipe is one for sassy salsa! I thought this would be the perfect timing since Cinco De Mayo was yesterday. It is super easy. I like to use it for several occasions. It is really good for a side dish, a condiment, and for potlucks. If you are using it for a side dish or condiment, I would definitely half the recipe!


    2 28oz. Cans of Diced Tomatoes

    ½ tsp. Sugar

    ½ tsp. Salt

    ½ tsp. Garlic Salt

    ¼ tsp. Pepper

    ¼ tsp. Celery Salt

    1 tsp. Onion Salt

    2 Tbsp. Vinegar

    2 Tbsp. Tapatio Hot Sauce

    ½ Can of Green Chilies

    2 Tsp. Minced Dried Onions

    ½ Bundle of Cilantro


    Combine all ingredients into blender and blend on pulse for 5 Seconds. Enjoy!

    I really enjoy this recipe and I hope you do too. Let me know what you think about this recipe in the comments below. If you love this please subscribe as well!