• Healthy Meals

    Delicious and Nutritious Rice Bowl

    Hey Everybody!

    Today’s meal is a delicious and nutritious rice bowl. This is one of my absolute favorite healthy recipes that I like to incorporate into my weekly meals.

    If you are into meal prepping, this is also very good for several days as well.

    The recipe below is for one serving so remember to adjust according to how many servings you are wanting to make.

    1 cup 90% Lean Ground Turkey

    ½ cup Pinto or Black Beans

    2/3 cup Jasmine Rice

    1/3 cup Pico De Gallo

    Depending on if I am prepping for the week or for one meal, I prepare this recipe differently.

    Prepping: I cook the entire package of my ground turkey. I then cook enough rice proportionally to my cooked meat. I put these in a Tupperware along with my beans that are not heated up. I put my Pico de Gallo in another container so it will not be heated up with the others. I then heat these for about 1 minute and 30 seconds and stir. I check the temperature and if it is good, I add my Pico.

    One Meal: If I am cooking this as one meal, I will measure each of the ingredients out and cook them. I then combine them all and eat them right after. (A trick with this is that I freeze the excess meat in freezer bags in the appropriate amount so I can easily thaw and make this meal again.)

    I absolutely love that this recipe only has four ingredients. It makes it very easy to prepare and to shop for. I also love to use Salsa Queen’s Pico De Gallo, if you are in Utah it is a local brand and you can buy it at Smith’s.

    Let me know what you think about this meal in the comments below. If you love this please subscribe as well!

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  • Self Care

    Using a Gratitude Journal for Self-Care

    Hey Everybody!

    Today I am writing about gratitude journals. I love these and I can really see a difference when I am consistently using mine. You can use anything for this journal, a notepad, a notebook, and notes on your phone. It really doesn’t need to be extravagant. I really like to physically write mine down because I am thinking about those things for a longer period of time. I have found that when I am having a “bad” day I can go back and read the other days. This instantly boosts my mood for the day. Being able to do this has helped me in my fight against my depression. I really think that it can truly help you too!

    The benefits of keeping a gratitude journal may surprise you. They include: sleeping better, fewer symptoms of illness, and more happiness.

    “I don’t have to chase extraordinary moments to find happiness, its right in front of me if I’m paying attention and practicing gratitude” – Brene Brown

    Tips on starting your gratitude journal:

    • Set a regular time for this, so you can be consistent (this can be daily or weekly)
    • Write about literally anything (walking, sunset, clothes, home, family)
    • Focus on what makes you happy
    • Be present when writing, really think about how grateful you are for that thing

    “Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.” – Eckhart Tolle

    If you don’t have the time to actually write in a journal, think about it on your daily commute or while you are getting ready for bed. The actual key to this is to get your mindset to focus on what you do have.

    I hope you enjoyed today’s post! Let me know in the comments below what you think. If you would like to keep up with the weekly posts subscribe below.

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  • Workouts

    Quick HIIT Treadmill Workout

    Hey everyone,

    Today I am going to show you my favorite Treadmill HIIT workout currently! I know that many of you may not be familiar with HIIT so here is a little bit of a background on it.

    What is HIIT? HIIT stands for high intensity interval training. According to Daily Burn, it is a training technique in which you give the absolute maximum amount of your effort through quick periods of exercise, followed by short recovery periods. This type of training gets and keeps your heart rate up and burns more fat in less time.

    There is an abundance of benefits from doing this type of exercise. They help build lean muscle and retain muscle you already have. They condition your muscles aerobically and anaerobically. They can be done anywhere and at anytime (this one does require a treadmill but not all of them do). They help you to burn more calories even while your body is at rest. They improve athletic endurance and increase your metabolism. They prevent boredom (this is a huge one for me). They use your time wisely because they are generally shorter but burn a large number of calories. They burn more calories and fat than traditional cardio. They are great for helping your heart be healthier.

    Because this type of workout is so intense it is very important to take rest days to prevent injuries. You should only be doing this type of workout 2-3 times a week, maximum.

    I personally love incorporating HIIT workouts into my week because of all the benefits in which they offer. I am currently training for a marathon and I believe that this type of workout really helps with my endurance. 

    Today’s workout is pretty simple, all you have to do is get on a treadmill and decide how fast you are wanting to sprint. I usually go for about 8 MPH. You can go faster or slower but I would try running at a slower speed at first and build your way up from there. This HIIT workout we will be sprinting for 20 seconds and then resting for 10 seconds. We will continue this for 10 minutes. After your seconds of sprinting are up you just jump onto the sides of the treadmill for your seconds of rest. Make sure you are using the sides of the treadmill for support as you jump to the sides. I would also try it out before you even turn the treadmill on to make sure that you have the hang of it!

    The video below is me doing this work out sped up so you guys can see exactly how to do it if I did not explain it well enough.

    If you loved this workout please subscribe to this blog at the bottom of the page! Thanks so much for visiting again!!

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  • Products I Love

    The Incredible Vanna Belt

    Hey Everyone!

    I have gotten a million questions about my waist trainer lately, so I thought I would let you all know what I am currently using. I am currently using the V Belt by Vanna Belt. I have a short torso so this one works great for me. They do offer the V Belt 2.0 for longer torso’s as well. I wear a size small but they have sizes ranging from extra small to XXXL. They have a size for everyone.

    I have used a few different waist trainers in the past and I was never really impressed with them. The ones that I had before did not have much shape to them. I felt as though they didn’t really do what I wanted them to do. I am always going for more of an hourglass shape. The other trainers I have tried were usually just like a perfect cylinder with no indentation at your waist. They also usually only had the option of having Velcro to stay in place. If you know me very well, you know that I despise Velcro! It always snags all my cute clothes and ruins them.

    The benefits that the V Belt offers are waist trimming, firms and tones your waist and back, and provides better posture and back support. I love to use it for the back support because my back usually hurts. I also love that it helps with posture because that it something I am always working on!

    Vanna Belt states that “The V-Belt is our shapewear that whittles the waist and provides coverage for shorter torsos. Carefully crafted with flexi-boning technology, the garment is guaranteed to stay in place, never to rolling up so it can fit your body comfortably. The triple hook-and-eye closures allow you to size down for a firm fit for reliable support and durable performance for each stage of your training.”

    Although you can wear this waist trainer anytime and for any occasion, I only wear mine to the gym. I like to wear it most often when I am doing cardio. I can definitely see a huge difference when I am using it and when I am not.

    Below is a video of me showing how versatile this waist trainer is!

    If you are interested in trying a Vanna Belt out follow this link and you will receive a discount!


    I hope you enjoyed today’s post. If you did leave a comment below or hit the subscribe button on the bottom of this page!

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