Self Care

Mind Dump

Hi Everyone!

Today, I am sharing with you one of my favorite self-care techniques. It’s great for when you have a million things on your mind and can be used at any time of the day. I would say my two favorite times to use it are when I am super busy at work or when I can’t sleep because I can’t stop thinking about something. It helps me to feel more calm and under control.

So what is a mind dump?

A mind dump is where you basically write down everything that is on your mind. It could be your frustrations, things you need to do, things you don’t want to forget, etc. This way your brain can stop thinking about that thing and stop stressing about it. As long as you have it somewhere, it will help your brain to think more clearly and calmly. Once you have written everything down, you can organize your things under topics. I use ASAP, to do, and Unimportant. My things usually fall under the first two. 

This technique really helps me out with work and sleeping better. I usually use it at work when I have a lot of things that I am doing but I need to remember to do something later on. I usually get bombarded with questions when I am doing my rounds for work but I am currently working on a project that is urgent. I just write down concerns and get back to them at a later time. This way I will remember to deal with them, without dropping what I am doing. Another time I frequently use this is in the middle of the night. Sometimes, I have multiple things going on in  my life and I get pretty overwhelmed. I will think of something I forgot to do the previous day and it will keep me up, until I do something about it. Sometimes, it is even multiple things that pop up in my mind. I will just roll over and write it down or type out a note in my phone. Usually when I do this, my mind will finally shut off and I am able to sleep. 

Mind dump’s help your brain to focus on the task currently at hand. It helps you to be able to do whatever you are doing more effectively and efficiently.

I have created a free printout that you are welcome to use, just fill out the box below and the PDF will be sent to your email.

I hope you try this out. It works really well for me. Let me know what you think in the comments below. As always, thanks so much for reading and for your continued support.

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