It’s Okay to Ask For Help
Hey Everyone!
Today, I am going to talk to you about why it is okay to ask for help. I know a lot of us want to be independent and do things on our own but we can’t do everything. I’ve been there trying to do everything and a lot of the time I get very overwhelmed. I may even start to resent the task I am trying to complete or the people around me that don’t know that I need help.
Why is it so taboo to ask for help? Is it because we think that people will think less of us? Could it be that we are afraid the person we ask will say no? Maybe, we don’t want to give up control? Is it because we expect those around us to know when we need help without asking for it?
Well I am here to tell you that getting those ideas out of your head will only help you to be more successful and happy in the long run. Who cares if the person says no? If you didn’t ask then the answer was always no. They may even say yes and help you out significantly. Giving up control is healthy, we should delegate the things that we can when we can. We can’t expect people around us to know when we need help. They have their own things going on. They may also be needing help without you knowing it.
So what are some examples of times I have recently asked for help?
- When I was out of town but still need my side hustle to continue.
- This last summer, Shane and I were gone for an extended vacation in Europe. I really needed to keep my side hustle income coming in, so I asked my mom if she could stop by my house once every three days to keep everything running smoothly.
- When there was something I don’t know how to do
- I just started a new job in July and I don’t know how to do all the tasks which my job requires of me. It is okay to ask for help and learn how to perform the tasks correctly instead of guessing and doing it wrong.
- When I was learning something new
- As I stated above, I just started a new job. I have to submit studies at the end of each project and they are very complicated. I recently asked a coworker to look them over to make sure that they looked correct.
- When I have too many tasks to complete by a deadline
- I have multiple examples of having too many tasks to complete in an unrealistic amount of time. I regularly ask Shane to help me to complete things. I may need to finish a project for work and ask him to run and grab our groceries.
How can I ask for help?
First you need to decide what you need help with, make sure it is specific. Don’t say something like I need help around the house, say something like could you please finish the load of laundry that is in the washer? Asking face to face or over the phone is best, make it personal. Text or email is easy to say no to. Don’t apologize for asking for help. Everyone needs help at some point. Lastly, make sure to thank the person that helped you. Let them know that you really appreciated their help.
I hope that this post inspires you to ask for help when you need it. Please let me know what you think in the comments below. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to read my blog. I am so grateful for you.