Self Care

  • Self Care

    It’s Okay to Ask For Help

    Hey Everyone!

    Today, I am going to talk to you about why it is okay to ask for help. I know a lot of us want to be independent and do things on our own but we can’t do everything. I’ve been there trying to do everything and a lot of the time I get very overwhelmed. I may even start to resent the task I am trying to complete or the people around me that don’t know that I need help.

    Why is it so taboo to ask for help? Is it because we think that people will think less of us? Could it be that we are afraid the person we ask will say no? Maybe, we don’t want to give up control? Is it because we expect those around us to know when we need help without asking for it?

    Well I am here to tell you that getting those ideas out of your head will only help you to be more successful and happy in the long run. Who cares if the person says no? If you didn’t ask then the answer was always no. They may even say yes and help you out significantly. Giving up control is healthy, we should delegate the things that we can when we can. We can’t expect people around us to know when we need help. They have their own things going on. They may also be needing help without you knowing it. 

    So what are some examples of times I have recently asked for help? 

    • When I was out of town but still need my side hustle to continue.
      • This last summer, Shane and I were gone for an extended vacation in Europe. I really needed to keep my side hustle income coming in, so I asked my mom if she could stop by my house once every three days to keep everything running smoothly. 
    • When there was something I don’t know how to do
      • I just started a new job in July and I don’t know how to do all the tasks which my job requires of me. It is okay to ask for help and learn how to perform the tasks correctly instead of guessing and doing it wrong. 
    • When I was learning something new
      • As I stated above, I just started a new job. I have to submit studies at the end of each project and they are very complicated. I recently asked a coworker to look them over to make sure that they looked correct. 
    • When I have too many tasks to complete by a deadline
      • I have multiple examples of having too many tasks to complete in an unrealistic amount of time. I regularly ask Shane to help me to complete things. I may need to finish a project for work and ask him to run and grab our groceries. 

    How can I ask for help? 

    First you need to decide what you need help with, make sure it is specific. Don’t say something like I need help around the house, say something like could you please finish the load of laundry that is in the washer? Asking face to face or over the phone is best, make it personal. Text or email is easy to say no to. Don’t apologize for asking for help. Everyone needs help at some point. Lastly, make sure to thank the person that helped you. Let them know that you really appreciated their help.

    I hope that this post inspires you to ask for help when you need it. Please let me know what you think in the comments below. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to read my blog. I am so grateful for you.

  • Self Care

    Start Small: A Guide on how to Accomplish Big Goals

    Hi Everyone!

    Today, I am going to teach you about how to start small when you want to change something in your life. A lot of the time, we get so excited about the change we want to make that we just jump all in. I am guilty of doing this as well. We need to give ourselves time to try out the new thing and then build from there. When we decide we want to be more healthy, we don’t need to go to the gym for hours, start meal prepping and drink a gallon of water per day. If you start your new goals this way, more than likely it won’t become a habit. 

    So how do we start small and not let our ambition take over? We take a small portion of our goal and try it out. Let’s try this with wanting to be more healthy. You could start by eating out less for the first month but let’s make that more specific.

    Let’s say you eat out 3 times a week. Try cutting that down to 2 times per week and going grocery shopping to have more options at home. After the first month, you could continue to cut it down or if you feel like eating out twice per week is fine, then you could move on to another thing like drinking more water. Most of the time when we try to do too many things at once we tend to get overwhelmed and more than likely you will end up going back to your old habits and wasting your time. 

    Ideas of starting small:

    1. Goal: I want to read a book a month. 

    Start with reading 10-15 minutes a day.

    1. Goal: Drink a gallon of water per day.

    Start with having a full water bottle with you and trying to finish that. 

    1. Goal: I want to eat healthier.

    Trade out your unhealthy snack for a healthy one.

    1. Goal: I want to be organized. 

    Go through one small area of your house each week. (Ex. one cupboard or shelf)

    1. Goal: I want to retire early.

    Meet with a financial planner and set up a second meeting to refresh what you talked about in the first meeting two weeks later after processing. 

    Sometimes goals seem scary or too big to accomplish at first. If you break them down and stick to your small start, you will be more successful. I have done it both ways and I am much more likely to stick with my habit if I start small. Whenever I make a big change too fast, I get overwhelmed and don’t stick with it. 

    Simon Sinek said “Dream big, start small, but most of all start.” 

    I don’t want to discourage any of you from improving yourselves. I just want to help you to be more successful with it. Please let me know what you think in the comments below. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to read my blog. I am so grateful for you.

  • Self Care

    Sauna Sessions

    Hi Everyone! 

    Today, I am going to talk about the benefits of using a sauna regularly. This is something I try to do at least twice a week for 10-15 minutes each time. I like to use the sauna after my stretching after working out. I have found it to be very helpful and I look forward to it at the end of my gym session.

    Benefits of using a sauna:

    • Improves overall health
    • Helps to flush toxins
    • Aid in muscle recovery
    • Helps to relieve stress

    Now, I am going to go into detail about each of these benefits. According to JAMA, regular sauna use (four times a week for 15 minutes) can reduce your mortality rate by 40%. The sauna can lead to a healthier brain. There have been studies that show regular use of a sauna can reduce your risk for dementia and alzheimers. Heat also helps to increase the speed as to which white blood cells are released in our bodies, this can help us to fight illnesses. Saunas can help to cleanse your skin as well. Sweating helps to rinse the bacteria out of the epidermal layer and sweat ducts. Due to the heat of the sauna, your body begins to deep sweat, this can help your body to rid it of many toxins. These toxins include: lead, copper, zinc, nickel, and even mercury. The sauna can help you by relaxing your muscles and improving your circulation. This happens because your vessels dilate which supplies your muscles with more oxygen. This also helps to speed up your muscle healing process. Sauna’s help to regulate your cortisol in your system, lowering cortisol and increasing serotonin. 

    I personally love using the sauna and I have seen a lot of the benefits above. I was so excited when the sauna opened back up at my gym this year. I definitely missed it. I feel when I use it after working out that my recovery is better and faster. I feel better overall.  

    If you are thinking about trying out the sauna for the first time, listen to your body. I would start by doing five minutes. If you feel dizzy or nausea, get out of the sauna. If you are dehydrated, the sauna can make that worse. Make sure that you are well hydrated before doing a sauna session. Do not stay in the sauna longer than twenty minutes. 

    Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read my blog. It means a lot to me. Please let me know what you think about this post and what you are interested in seeing in the future in the comments below. If you love my blog and are interested in seeing more content, please subscribe below.

  • Self Care

    Daily Static Stretching

    Hi Everyone! 

    Today, I am going to talk about the importance of daily static stretching for self-care. This is something I strive to do everyday. I am not perfect but I try to stretch after every workout. I love the recovery stretching gives me after working out. Static stretching is the best after a workout because your muscles are warm so you are less likely to pull a muscle. There are many benefits to stretching that I will outline.

    Benefits of stretching:

    • Decrease muscle soreness
    • Prevent Injury
    • Improve range of motion
    • Promotes circulation
    • Enhance muscle relaxation

    I have personally seen a difference in my life when I stretch versus when I don’t. I have had injuries and aches that could have been prevented by stretching. I have had extreme shoulder pain that has decreased significantly due to stretching and massage. If you are having a similar problem, find stretches that are good for your injury. They can really help with decreasing pain. 

    I made this video about two and half years ago of a simple and short stretching routine that I do after each workout. I have added to this over the years but it is a good starting place if you aren’t used to stretching regularly yet. As always, I have sped up this video so make sure that you are spending at least eight seconds in each position.

    Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read my blog. It means a lot to me. Please let me know what you think about this post and what you are interested in seeing in the future in the comments below. If you love my blog and are interested in seeing more content, please subscribe below.

  • Self Care

    Smart Goals (Refresher)

    Today, we are going to focus on SMART goals. I get asked a lot about how I accomplish so many big tasks and still have time to have fun while doing it. When I am thinking of goals I would like to accomplish, I like to use this formula in order to make my goals work for me! The SMART method helps push you further, gives you a sense of direction, and helps you organize and reach your goals.

    What does SMART stand for? 

    Specific: What exactly are you trying to accomplish? Who, What, Where.

    Measurable: How will I know when my goal is accomplished? What part of my goal can be measured?

    Achievable: Is your goal attainable? You weigh the benefits from the risks and drawbacks. Can you pursue this without undervaluing your current obligations? Can you realistically accomplish this goal? Don’t set yourself up for failure.

    Relevant:  How is this goal significant to your goals in life?

    Time-Bound: When will you accomplish this goal? Make sure you have a specific day in mind.

    Let’s try turning a regular goal into a smart goal.

    I want to run a marathon.

    Specific: Who=I What= run a marathon Where = Ogden

    Measurable: 26.2 miles

    Achievable: This goal may not be attainable for everyone but it is for me. I have run many half marathons and I am following a training schedule.

    Relevant: I want to live a healthy life so this falls into that category.

    Time-Bound: The marathon is on May 18th so it will be accomplished by then.

    Now we’ve turned a regular goal into a SMART goal. 

    I will follow my training schedule for nine weeks prior to running the Ogden marathon on May 18th. I have run multiple half marathons prior to my training weeks.

    Let’s do another one.

    I want to travel to Europe next year. 

    Specific: Who: Shane and I. What: Travel. Where: Europe (Ireland is priority)

    Measurable: Did we go or not? Did we plan it or not?

    Achievable: We will save up $200 each month this year and book our flights when they are the cheapest. We will also book our accommodations during different times so that it isn’t one big payment.

    Relevant: Shane and I have a goal to have a big trip out of the country at least every two years.

    Time-Bound: We want to travel during the summer so our goal will be completed by August 31st. . 

    Now we’ve turned a regular goal into a SMART goal. 

    We will save up $200 each month for the year prior to and leading up to our trip (15 months total to reach $3,000), we will book a flight to Europe as soon as we see one drop below $500 during summer of 2022, after our flight is booked we will continue to make accommodations for our time in Europe, we have done this before and we will complete this by August 31, 2022. 

    What is something you would like to work towards? It can be personal or work related. It can be anything! I have used these for school, work, traveling, fitness, etc. If you can think of any type of goal that you would like to achieve, it can be turned into a SMART goal. 

    Did you fail at achieving your SMART goal? Don’t get down on yourself if you don’t achieve your goal. Just Remember: Evaluation: What didn’t work? Revision: How can we make it work next time? Action: Try again.  

    I love using SMART goals to help me accomplish my goals. Have you used them before? What did you think? If you loved today’s post please subscribe below! Thanks for reading.

  • Self Care

    30 Day Self-Care Challenge

    Hey Everybody!

    Today, I am sharing my 30 day self-care challenge with you. I know that people struggle to get in their self-care. So, why don’t we make it fun and easy! I will be starting this challenge today. I would love it if you decide to do it with me. Please share it on your Instagram stories and tag @activebeautyblog! If you tag me I will share it on my story too. If you post about it please use hashtag #activebeautyselfcare. 

    To get the self-care challenge, just fill out the box below and the PDF will be sent to your email to print out. (If you are already subscribed it will be in the email sent today).

    I am so excited to do this with you guys!! Let’s make an effort to make self-care a priority in our lives. It is so important. Please let me know what you think in the comments below! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the challenge.

  • Self Care

    What You Think Matters

    Hi Everyone! 

    Today, I am talking about how what you think or say to yourself matters. A few days ago I listened to a podcast episode that really struck home with me. I honestly think that it would probably strike home with most of us. I will attach it below, if you are interested in listening to it as well. 

    Something that stuck out to me was the host asking, “how many times do you say I HAVE to do something a day?” I realized that I say that will almost everything I do. How does it make you feel about the activity if you have to do something. So how is that affecting me? It’s making me feel negatively towards my activity. It may be something I really want to do but when I say I have to do it, it’s attaching a negative energy to it.

    Why not change this into, “I get to do this activity”. The host was saying how there are so many people in this world that don’t get to do what we do. For example, instead of saying “I have to go to the gym”, say “I get to go to the gym”. Not only does it make you feel better about being able to do the task, it can help you to be more grateful for being able to do it. Do you know how many people that would love to go to the gym but can’t? Maybe they are injured, sick, or even paralyzed. We are so lucky that we are able to do the things that we are. Another example, “I have to go to work today.” Why not, “I get to go to work today”. There are so many people out there looking for jobs today. We are lucky to be employed. This is only scratching the surface. Think about what you say you have to do and start to correct yourself to say you get to do that thing.

    So I got all of that from one 20 minute podcast and it got me thinking about other thoughts we have and what we could learn to change them to. 

    Here are some examples:

    Instead of, “I messed this up,” “What did I learn?” 

    Instead of, “This isn’t working”, “What can I change”. 

    Instead of, “I’m horrible at this”, “I’ve never done this before, I am learning.”

    Instead of “I’m failing,” “This didn’t work, let’s try something different.”

    Instead of “How could I be so dumb”, “Everyone makes mistakes.”

    I really hope you enjoyed today’s post. Let me know what you think and if you end up trying this out for yourself! Thank you for reading, if you love this content please subscribe below. 

  • Self Care

    Set your Intentions

    Hi Everyone!

    Today, I am going to talk about setting your intention for the day. This is something that I think is really important and I believe it can change your life. So, how do you set your intention for the day? It sounds hard, but it’s really easy.

    The best thing to do right when you wake up is say something like: today is going to be a great day. Not only say this but believe it. Put a smile on your face. Take some deep breaths. 

    Now think about what you want and need to get done for the day. Envision yourself getting everything on this list done. Think about how you will feel when everything is done and you are settling down for the night. 

    Next, we should do something that really resonates with us. What is something you love to do or something that is really important to you? My activities that I love to do in the morning are: reading, working out, writing a blog, or creating a listing for reselling. They are things that I love to do, but don’t always have time to do throughout the day. If I put a priority on them at the beginning of the day not only will I feel accomplished but I also will feel fulfilled. 

    Set yourself up for success. Are you going to the gym in the morning? Set out your gym clothes and your gym bag. Are you going to read your book? Set it on your nightstand. Are you going to write a blog? Come up with the topic ahead of time so that you can get right to writing. Make it easy on yourself so that you can do your activity with little to no resistance. 

    Make sure that you are getting enough sleep. If you are not getting enough sleep, you may feel the urge to hit your snooze button. Doing this will not set your day off with a good intention, in fact it can do the opposite! If you hit snooze, you may no longer have time to do those activities that really resonate with you. So if you find yourself doing this often, go to bed earlier. 

    Last but not least, do not get on your phone as soon as you wake up. Make sure that you are focusing on you and your intentions for the day before you even touch your phone. Do your resonating activity and then you can check your notifications. That way your intention for the day will already be set and you will be ready for whatever the world throws at you!

    I really hope you enjoyed today’s post. Let me know what you think and if you end up trying this out for yourself! Thank you for reading, if you love this content subscribe below.

  • Self Care

    Mind Dump

    Hi Everyone!

    Today, I am sharing with you one of my favorite self-care techniques. It’s great for when you have a million things on your mind and can be used at any time of the day. I would say my two favorite times to use it are when I am super busy at work or when I can’t sleep because I can’t stop thinking about something. It helps me to feel more calm and under control.

    So what is a mind dump?

    A mind dump is where you basically write down everything that is on your mind. It could be your frustrations, things you need to do, things you don’t want to forget, etc. This way your brain can stop thinking about that thing and stop stressing about it. As long as you have it somewhere, it will help your brain to think more clearly and calmly. Once you have written everything down, you can organize your things under topics. I use ASAP, to do, and Unimportant. My things usually fall under the first two. 

    This technique really helps me out with work and sleeping better. I usually use it at work when I have a lot of things that I am doing but I need to remember to do something later on. I usually get bombarded with questions when I am doing my rounds for work but I am currently working on a project that is urgent. I just write down concerns and get back to them at a later time. This way I will remember to deal with them, without dropping what I am doing. Another time I frequently use this is in the middle of the night. Sometimes, I have multiple things going on in  my life and I get pretty overwhelmed. I will think of something I forgot to do the previous day and it will keep me up, until I do something about it. Sometimes, it is even multiple things that pop up in my mind. I will just roll over and write it down or type out a note in my phone. Usually when I do this, my mind will finally shut off and I am able to sleep. 

    Mind dump’s help your brain to focus on the task currently at hand. It helps you to be able to do whatever you are doing more effectively and efficiently.

    I have created a free printout that you are welcome to use, just fill out the box below and the PDF will be sent to your email.

    I hope you try this out. It works really well for me. Let me know what you think in the comments below. As always, thanks so much for reading and for your continued support.

  • Self Care

    Learn Something New

    Hi Everyone!

    Today, I am sharing with you one of my favorite self-care activities: learning something new. Learning new things can help propel you forward in many aspects of your life. According to LinkedIn, “Just like food nourishes our bodies, information and continued learning nourishes our minds.” 

    So why should we continue to learn new things?

    It will help us remain relevant. Have you ever gotten on Instagram and they have changed something up and you can’t figure out how to use it again? I know I have. Learning how to use that feature keeps you relevant for Instagram. I know that seems like a weird example but that can go for many aspects of our lives. We need to keep up with the changes to stay relevant. 

    It can boost our resume. Learning something new can make us more valuable. If I learned how to use a new computer program or language, I could become more valuable to the company I work for. It will also give me more confidence applying for and being interviewed for a new job. 

    How can we learn new things?

    There are multiple ways to learn new things each day. They don’t have to be extreme like learning a new language, it could be as simple as learning what a word you don’t know means. Next time you are reading something and don’t know what a word means, look it up. When you don’t know about a topic that comes up in conversation, google it or ask questions until you understand it better. 

    Read everyday. You can read motivational books, fiction books, educational books, etc. You will learn regardless of what it is you are reading. 

    Listen to podcasts. There are so many beneficial podcasts out there. I listen to about five different podcasts each week and I learn something new every podcast I listen to. 

    Take an online course. Find something that interests you and take an online course about it. This is actually how I learned to create my blog. I took a course on it. I would have never been able to figure out all the ins and outs without taking the course. 

    I know this pandemic has created challenges for all of us to overcome. I have decided to use my extra time I have on learning new things to improve myself. I hope that I can help to inspire you to do the same. Please let me know what you think of this post in the comments below. If you love my posts, please subscribe so that I can continue to do them. I would like to leave you with a quote by Albert Einstein, “Intellectual growth should commence at birth and only cease at death.”