Positive Affirmations
Hi everyone!
I thought I would do something a little different this week since Valentine’s Day is tomorrow! I want to focus on loving yourself. I am going to show you what I do in order to start doing this. I learned about positive affirmations a long time ago but they are essential.
Positive affirmations are huge in helping to learn to love yourself! They are statements that can help you to overcome your negative thoughts. I won’t lie and tell you that these things are easy to say AND let alone believe at first. It is definitely a process but it is 100% worth it! Doing this daily has definitely changed my life. I can tell the days when I don’t say them. I say these phrases out loud to myself while I am driving to work each day.

Some examples of affirmations that I use are:
I am a great wife
I am getting stronger each day
I am beautiful
I am successful
I am confident
Money comes easily to me
I am a genius
Opportunities present themselves to me

While deciding what affirmations you should use, try to make them as specific as possible for you. Pinterest is a great place to find more ideas!
More examples you can use:
I am happy with my life
I attract love
I love my body
I believe in me
I am enough
I never give up
I can reach any goal
I am successful in everything I do
My body is healthy and strong
I am a fantastic mother
I have personally seen a change in my life from reciting these and I know that you can too. I do know they sound silly and maybe even dumb. I promise they really help in the process. Try them out and let me know what you guys think or tell me some that you guys like to use. I am always changing my list in regard to my current goals.

Photographer: Melissa Benjamin
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