• Workouts

    Lower Back Workout

    Hey Everyone!

    Today, I am sharing a lower back workout with you. I like working out lower back because it offsets your ab workouts. It also helps to strengthen your muscles so you are less likely to throw your back out. I believe working out your lower back is very important.

    I do three sets of the following:

    Back Extensions 10 Reps

    Deadlifts 10 Reps 

    Swimmers 10 Reps (Each Side) 

    Here is a video of me doing these exercises so that you can see what they are if you are unfamiliar with them! The video is sped up slightly. When you do these exercises keep your movements slow and controlled. You will see results faster if you do this. You will also lessen the chance of getting injured.

    I hope you loved today’s workout! Let me know what you think in the comments below. If you want to see more workouts like this please subscribe below for weekly emails. Thank you so much for checking out today’s post.

  • Workouts

    Best Back Workout

    Hey Everyone!

    Today, I’m sharing one of my back workouts with you!! I do these workouts about once a week. The single arm cable lat pull variation is definitely my favorite in this set. I love being able to see the difference it makes in my back, after a few months. I like to use the 10-15 pound weight for the first, 20-25 pound weight for the second, and 40-55 pound weight for the last workout on the cable machine.

    I do three sets of the following:

    Single Arm Cable Lat Pull Variation 10 Reps (Each Arm)

     Low Position Cable Row 10 Reps

    Close Grip Pulldowns 10 Reps 

    Here is a video of me doing these exercises so that you can see what they are if you are unfamiliar with them! When you do these exercises keep your movements slow and controlled. You will see results faster if you do this. 

    I hope you loved today’s workout! Let me know what you think in the comments below. If you want to see more workouts like this please subscribe below for weekly emails. Thank you so much for checking out today’s post.

  • Products I Love

    The Incredible Vanna Belt

    Hey Everyone!

    I have gotten a million questions about my waist trainer lately, so I thought I would let you all know what I am currently using. I am currently using the V Belt by Vanna Belt. I have a short torso so this one works great for me. They do offer the V Belt 2.0 for longer torso’s as well. I wear a size small but they have sizes ranging from extra small to XXXL. They have a size for everyone.

    I have used a few different waist trainers in the past and I was never really impressed with them. The ones that I had before did not have much shape to them. I felt as though they didn’t really do what I wanted them to do. I am always going for more of an hourglass shape. The other trainers I have tried were usually just like a perfect cylinder with no indentation at your waist. They also usually only had the option of having Velcro to stay in place. If you know me very well, you know that I despise Velcro! It always snags all my cute clothes and ruins them.

    The benefits that the V Belt offers are waist trimming, firms and tones your waist and back, and provides better posture and back support. I love to use it for the back support because my back usually hurts. I also love that it helps with posture because that it something I am always working on!

    Vanna Belt states that “The V-Belt is our shapewear that whittles the waist and provides coverage for shorter torsos. Carefully crafted with flexi-boning technology, the garment is guaranteed to stay in place, never to rolling up so it can fit your body comfortably. The triple hook-and-eye closures allow you to size down for a firm fit for reliable support and durable performance for each stage of your training.”

    Although you can wear this waist trainer anytime and for any occasion, I only wear mine to the gym. I like to wear it most often when I am doing cardio. I can definitely see a huge difference when I am using it and when I am not.

    Below is a video of me showing how versatile this waist trainer is!

    If you are interested in trying a Vanna Belt out follow this link and you will receive a discount!


    I hope you enjoyed today’s post. If you did leave a comment below or hit the subscribe button on the bottom of this page!

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