Using a Gratitude Journal for Self-Care
Hey Everybody!
Today I am writing about gratitude journals. I love these and I can really see a difference when I am consistently using mine. You can use anything for this journal, a notepad, a notebook, and notes on your phone. It really doesn’t need to be extravagant. I really like to physically write mine down because I am thinking about those things for a longer period of time. I have found that when I am having a “bad” day I can go back and read the other days. This instantly boosts my mood for the day. Being able to do this has helped me in my fight against my depression. I really think that it can truly help you too!

The benefits of keeping a gratitude journal may surprise you. They include: sleeping better, fewer symptoms of illness, and more happiness.
“I don’t have to chase extraordinary moments to find happiness, its right in front of me if I’m paying attention and practicing gratitude” – Brene Brown

Tips on starting your gratitude journal:
- Set a regular time for this, so you can be consistent (this can be daily or weekly)
- Write about literally anything (walking, sunset, clothes, home, family)
- Focus on what makes you happy
- Be present when writing, really think about how grateful you are for that thing
“Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.” – Eckhart Tolle

If you don’t have the time to actually write in a journal, think about it on your daily commute or while you are getting ready for bed. The actual key to this is to get your mindset to focus on what you do have.
I hope you enjoyed today’s post! Let me know in the comments below what you think. If you would like to keep up with the weekly posts subscribe below.

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