Products I Love

Awesome Apple Watch

Hey Everyone!

Today, I am talking about something that at this point, I don’t think I could live without, my Apple Watch. Last Christmas, I asked for an Apple Watch. I didn’t need the newest or the best one, I just wanted to see what all the hype was about. I ended up getting the Nike + Series 3 42MM, GPS & Cellular watch. I loved the band on the Nike+ series, so that’s why I went for this watch. I also bought it off of Amazon, which ended up making it a lot cheaper. I will link it below.

So why do I love my watch so much? I have so many reasons and I will outline them here. The first is that it can track how many active calories you have burned. The watch let’s you set a goal of how many “active” calories you would like to burn a day and it helps you to keep track of what you are at. I actually keep this tracker on my watch face so I can constantly see where I am at. I am a super competitive person, so I really try to hit my goal each day. Currently, mine is set at 700 active calories. It has settings for different workouts you might do. My most frequently used workouts are: snowboarding, indoor running, outdoor running, strength training, stair stepper, and elliptical. These are just a few of the options that are available.

You can link it to your phone. This is really nice for working out as well. I can change the song that is playing through my AirPods on my phone from my watch. This is really nice when you need a song that is a little more upbeat and you are in the middle of a set or something. I can also see my texts on my watch and see if I need to get back to it quickly or not. You can even reply to texts on your watch, but I only use this feature if it’s short.

It can track how far you’ve run. While I was training for the marathon that I ran last year, this was crucial. I could see exactly how far I had already run, what my time was, and what I was averaging per mile. At each mile, it makes a sound so you know that you have completed another mile. I know that there are more accurate watches out there for tracking your distance, so if that is the sole purpose of getting a fitness watch I would suggest doing more research.

It’s water resistant. If you use the water lock feature on the watch, you can swim and shower with it on. I have done this multiple times, with no issues. I love being able to be at the pool and know what time it is. The feature releases internal water when you are finished. It cannot however be taken into deep water, like scuba diving.

It helps me remember things. You can set reminders in your watch for anything. They pop up with a vibration or noise, depending on what you want. I am constantly doing many activities each day and this feature really keeps me on track. You can also set timers on your watch. I also use this very frequently. I have to wait certain amounts of time for doing things with my job and this feature keeps me right on track.

It is convenient. I get a lot of calls for work, so when someone calls and I am busy doing something, I can simply look down at my watch and see if it’s something I need to answer or not. I get at least three scam calls a day, so it’s very nice to not have to find my phone each time.

I have learned that I actually didn’t need things that I got. I learned that I don’t actually need cellular data on my watch. It cost’s about $20 a month and the only time you would need that would be if your phone was nowhere near you. The watch that has cellular available also costs more. I also learned that I don’t like having a screen protector on my watch. It makes it really hard to use. I ripped it off after using one for less than a week. I really don’t think you need to buy the newest or best one out there. Mine works very well and I am two series behind what has been released.

If you want to buy an apple watch here is the link to the one that I have (without cellular since I wouldn’t get it if I could go back and also a little smaller). If you use this link, I do get compensated.

I hope you found this helpful.  If you have an apple watch already, let’s hear what you love or hate about yours in the comments below.

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One Comment

  • Kelly

    I also have the series three Apple Watch and don’t know what I did without it for so many years. This has literally saved me at work. I am able to quickly call for help if I am in a dangerous situation which my job can be at times. It also is helping me track my heart rate which I recently noticed has been going really low to really high. Looking back through the heart app I noticed my heart rate has been wildly wide in range for a couple years. I have an appt with the cardiologist to have this checked. I was thinking it was something new but thanks to the app Apple Watch I have the data to show I have been having problems for a while. I love this watch. Thanks for this blog! Well written and informative.

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