Delicious and Nutritious Rice Bowl
Hey Everybody!
Today’s meal is a delicious and nutritious rice bowl. This is one of my absolute favorite healthy recipes that I like to incorporate into my weekly meals.
If you are into meal prepping, this is also very good for several days as well.
The recipe below is for one serving so remember to adjust according to how many servings you are wanting to make.

1 cup 90% Lean Ground Turkey
½ cup Pinto or Black Beans
2/3 cup Jasmine Rice
1/3 cup Pico De Gallo
Depending on if I am prepping for the week or for one meal, I prepare this recipe differently.
Prepping: I cook the entire package of my ground turkey. I then cook enough rice proportionally to my cooked meat. I put these in a Tupperware along with my beans that are not heated up. I put my Pico de Gallo in another container so it will not be heated up with the others. I then heat these for about 1 minute and 30 seconds and stir. I check the temperature and if it is good, I add my Pico.
One Meal: If I am cooking this as one meal, I will measure each of the ingredients out and cook them. I then combine them all and eat them right after. (A trick with this is that I freeze the excess meat in freezer bags in the appropriate amount so I can easily thaw and make this meal again.)
I absolutely love that this recipe only has four ingredients. It makes it very easy to prepare and to shop for. I also love to use Salsa Queen’s Pico De Gallo, if you are in Utah it is a local brand and you can buy it at Smith’s.
Let me know what you think about this meal in the comments below. If you love this please subscribe as well!

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