Self Care

Stop Overcommitting

Hi Everyone!

Today’s blog is about something I have heard about time and time again but I am finally now just getting used to practicing it in my life daily. Stop overcommitting! When you overcommit yourself, you are not only saying yes to something you probably don’t want to do but you are also saying no to something you do want to do. I have had to learn this the hard way. 

Recently, I have been working at a new job full time, my old job part time, and trying to keep up with all of the activities that I want and need to do. I found myself stressing out about how I was going to keep doing all the things I wanted but still be able to keep working around 100 hours every two weeks. 

I know when I am trying to do so many things it really is my sleep that suffers first. You know what that does to me? It makes me grumpy, tired, and even can make me physically ill sometimes. 

So why do we overcommit to things? 

Some of my answers to this question for this instance are: I want to help my coworkers out that I have been working with for years, I don’t want them to hate me, I could use the extra money, etc. 

You know what questions don’t normally come to mind? How will this make me feel? What sacrifices will I have to make in order to keep this up? Do I enjoy the time I am spending doing this? If I didn’t do this would I be okay? How does this affect myself mentally and physically? Do I feel bitter toward this thing I have committed to do? 

So how do we stop overcommitting? Ask yourself the above questions. Weigh your benefits and costs and determine if you really want to do it. It is okay to say no. I get pretty anxious when I tell people I can’t/don’t want to do something they want me to do. Although you may be anxious at first, it does eventually go away and let me tell you it is so worth it. 

3 Steps to stop overcommitting 

1. Stop and think before saying yes. Think about the above questions and if you really should do the task. 

2. Allow yourself time to rest. You don’t have to be doing something all of the time. In fact, your body needs time to rest. If you are already doing too many things just say no. 

3. Breathe. As I have stated above it is okay to say no. It is not the end of the world. Just take a deep breath and do it. 

This week I practiced what I am preaching. I finally quit my part time job. Guess what guys? It feels so good! I know that if you learn how to stop overcommitting, you too will feel so much better!

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  • Michelle

    This is great advice. I have so much going on and think I know when I’ve taken on to much ..yet I still say yes sometimes. Thank you . Great blog

    • Hayley

      I have really struggled with this throughout my whole life. I just try to be as helpful as I can but most of the time it bites me in the butt.

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